Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

A new WTF question

ummmmmmmm What in the hell is this? Is McD's so hard up that they have to kill an idea with this crap? I have nothing against McD's. I eat it rarely but I do so with my daugther and sometimes when I feel like it.

I go to the gym 5 times a week. I try my best to eat right. I shower daily and take care fo my body. Well I do smoke about a pack a day. No bullshit excuses from me. It's stupid and costs a shitload of money. But I still do it. Give me a break.

Anyway. Why this......thing? Yes McD's has tried to go healthy and it failed. People want jusk. they wantt o stuff themselvs with greeseball burgers. Fine thier choice. But I remember the campaign from McD's where they were trying to convince people that thier food was ooooohhhhhhhh soooooooooo healthy. Well then they changed again and are offering mroe healthy and fresh foods. Great job!

My daughter, when we go orders her happy meal with a cheese burger, fruit instead of fries and milk. SHE ORDERS IT! Hell yah!

I'm not going to get in to the whole "America is fat and we're all gonna die" mem. It's there. If you know yer fat and still don't do something against it your problem. Don't cry to me when you have to have that triple bipass. I invest 5-8 hours a week to keep myself in shape. If you say you don't have the time then ask me and I can give you some help and ideas for 20 min a day. No not some home gym that doesn't do shit. I have played football a lot in my life. 4 years High School and 12 years semi pro. I did 4 years in the Army. I have a few solid ideas on things you can do at home and will take as much time as you can invest.

The Obama school speech

Well another Obama decision and many people flipped out. Just like every pesident sind Reagan Obama gave a speach to American school kids. I honestly had no problems with him giving this speech.

So I read the transcript today. BOARING! Same shit different president. But I find a few things funny. Not ha ha funny but wierd funny.

First off when Bush Sr gave his speach there were cries from the democrats of republican indoctrination. More so and youder when Bush Jr gave his speach. After Bush Sr gave his speach there were investigations and all kinds of crap that turned up........nothing wrong or bad.

Now before Obama gave his speach the republicans and many of the right were saying pretty much the same thing. Well I read the speach and found nothign wrong with a president trying to steer kids in the right direction by staying in school, working hard, getting good grades and all that. I say good job Obama.

B U T (there's that word again) Obama supporters put out little ideas to kids about what to do AFTER the speach. Like write a letter to yourself on how you can support Obama more. ????? ummmmmmm what in the hell does that have to do with a president trying to motovate kids to do better in school? NOTHING!

Now we have a bunch of looney "actors" who made a commerical about how they pledge to support Obama. ummmmmmm correct me if I am wrong but the people elect the president and HE works for the people. I know wierd concept for the looney left but a basic concept put forth by the founders of our country.

How about teachers asking thier pupels to write a letter on how they could become better students? Or how they could better thier community? Not how they could support one man. Lenin said something that reminds me of what I saw happening with Obama supporters and Obama's school kids speech: "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." This is how I see many of Obama's followers. They are communists. they want nothing other than to turn our country away froma republic style of government backed by capitolism to a socialist bassed government.

In the US we have many freedoms. One of which is the freedom of speach. I can say pretty much what I want when I want. OK? B U T (here it is again) there are moral codes and rules that go with that. Over the last 4 years we saw how low people can get. Comparing Bush to Hitler, compairing Bush to Satan....The list can be long if I let it.

There were people calling for the death of Bush. These same people screamed, rather loud, they are against war and violence. hmmmmmmmmmm Rather stupid in my opinion.

So back to the point. The left was wrong trying to turn this in to an indoctrination stunt and the right was wrong for screaming about how Obama wants to controll the kids.

Obama was right making the speach and trying to motivate the kids in to becomming better students and citizens.

Does it all even out? I have no idea. I am trying to see all sides to the issues. I am trying to keep above the insulting level and present facts. thats is who and what I am.

I don't much care for Obama as a president. He is not my president. I have little respect for him as a man and less respect for him as a president. but I will try my very best to be fair to him. I do respect the position he holds. However badly he has been doing it.

I'm working on a post that presents the good things he has done so far against the complete fuck ups he has done so far. I'll let you decide. I have already. After that post I'll tell you exactly where I stand on the topic president Obama.