Mittwoch, 19. August 2009

Health insurance

I have been living in Germany since I got out of the Army. Since then I have been on the German health insurance system. Not bad eh? But all the people who are for this type of a system in the US are batshit stupid! Do they even understand what is coming their way? Do they understand what this will cost in the form of higher taxes? Yes I know the answers to my questions.

The people who want this fall in to different classes of people.

  1. The lazy - People who want something for nothing.
  2. The professional unelployed - People who have ever in their life held a job
  3. The Obama koolaid drinkers - People who believe every single word out of Obama's mouth
  4. Democrats - People who belong to the democratic party who believe that government is the answer to ALL problems

Which one are you? A little hard? I think not. I live in the system. It's the law here. A person must be insured. OK I chose to live here so I accepted that. Was a good idea when I was younger. I pay 1/3 my employer pays 1/3 and the government pays that last 1/3. I was young and didn't really understand where the extra costs would be spread. Namely back to the consumer and tax payer. But I am older and see how the cost of German made products have gone up every single year.

How Obama expects to keep his promise of not taxing the middle and lower classes I'll never understand. No he wants to gouge the insurance companies and big businesses. They are evvvviiiilll. They are to be compared to satin, Hitler and the booby man all at once. They alone are the cause to all our money problems. Never once mentioning that the government ALLOWED and SUPPORTED the causes of the economic problems we have today.

Lets say that Obama got his bill through and passed. Whats next? What will happen to those on Medic-Aid? will they suddendly get a new card and all is good? Who will decide which treatment are too expensive or risky? Who will decide over life and death?

Obama had, just a few short months ago a majority of people in America behind him willing to give him a chance. He fumbeled the fall early on. Now he can't do a damn thing right.


These people are really really stupid. I am 200% for the Second Amendment. I grew with weapons. I served 4 years in the US Army as an infantryman. I have only disgust for people who try to take my 2nd Amendment rights away from me.

B U T bringing weapons to an idea fight is not only stupid but dangerous and only shows our opponents how stupid some people really can be. Yes they have every right to carry. No questions. But with every freedom comes responsibility. A person needs to have the common sense to make the correct decisions. These people obviously do not posses commen sense. I can not decide if they should lose thier right to carry. But it should be considered. Teh press and the left will blow this up completly to show that ALL protestors are armed and rednecks and all that crap that is SOP with them. We know it is only a few out of many. This does NOT help our cause.

There is a time to take arms and fight and a time to talk. Right now we have a time to talk. We have the momentum and are starting to catch the eye of the press. This is OUR time to be heard. To speak out against what a very clear MAJORITY thinks is a very bad idea. Violence is to be used ONLY AS A LAST RESORT!

I am the last person to walk away from a good fight. I've lost enough to know I am not made out of glass. I am not afraid to fight. Never have been. But I have learned that there is a time to talk and a time to throw. This is the time to talk. I pray the time to fight will not come...

Where in the world...

...are all those anti war protestors? Just last year they were all over the news even here in Germany. Last winter as cold and hard as it was there were still people out protesting the war and.......wait for it.............patience grasshopper............BUSH.

I think we have a winner. GW Bush is no longer president so I guess that means the "illegal" war in Iraq is OK now? I need to have that logic clarified if anyone can.

No longer do I hear on the German news how many soldiers in Iraq have been killed or how many civilians were murdered by terrorists. Aint that something? I mean the left have basically declared with their silence right now that the war in Iraq is a just war!

Next thing you know the left will openly say they are racists, homophobes and have only being playing mouthpiece to those groups.