Mittwoch, 2. September 2009

Do you ever....

...have a day where you are just tired. I mean bone tired. The kind that you feel deep in your bones? Not a bad day at all. I'm getting a lot done. Problems solved, orders tested and closed. No probs there.

I am working on my 5th cup of coffee. I know stomach problems, hight blood pressure bla bla bla. I hate Red Bull. Enegry drinks have little of no effect for me so I just don't waste my money on them. I'de rather have a bottle of good wine for the money anyway. sharing it with my girlfriend is soooooo much better anyway. Our discussion over a bottle od wine are wonderful.

No I am just tired. I need a vacation. I haven't had a real vacation in about 4 years. A vacation where I don't have to make decisions, clean, cook, go shopping and all that you need to do to take care of close family members.

I live in Germany. Yep there it is again. Last year my mother passed away. Before she did she called me home. I was there 3 days after the call. My mother was always very proud of a clean house, done laundry and home cooked FROM SCRATCH meals. when I got home to my parents I knew something was not right. So I took it apon myself to help where I could. I did laundry, cleaned, went shopping and got everything back in order. My mother was both thankful and shamed. I tried to calm her by telling her that it was still her hand that guided me. She had taught me years ago to do all those things and to do them right. It was my mother that gave me the love for cooking and baking. For pleasing people with good food. She seemed happy with that.

I was home for 4 weeks. When I cam back home I was beat. I was dead tired. Now I am bone weary. the worst part is I have very little vacation saved for myself. No I'm not bitching about anything. Family is family and will always be. I would do the same again if I could. No questions just get on a plane and go. Work hard for my parents to make sure they are safe, healthy if not happy.

But it does in fact cost me. Like on days like today. It's hard to get out of bed. I am draggin ass all day, and just tired. So I work slower and double check everything. Well shitfar it's a gottin ta be gittin dun don't it?

Am I selfish? A little. Would I decide different about my parents? Never. They need me and I am there. No questions or bad thoughts. I am happy when I can help. they were always there for me.

The left, Hollywood, Castro and Che

I read Cassy's blog daily. I find her writing to be fresh, to the point and very exact. I enjoy her blog very much.

She asked a question on the linked post:

"I don’t understand what it is about Fidel Castro that makes liberals idolize him so. Is it the beard? His rockin’ fashion sense? The smooth way he was able to murder and enslave his people? What? And you know, the same goes for Che Guevara. I know that he looks, like, so dreamy in his little beret, but it doesn’t excuse what he did, except for brain-dead liberals who fancy themselves as fellow “revolutionaries”.
I honestly believe I can asnwer that.
Liberals and those on the left dislike America so much. Castro has stood tall (with the help of the USSR, later China, Viet Nam, N Korea ect) and showed the "big mean nasty USA" the middle finger. Castro did the exact same many on the left cream their pants thinking about doing. They would love so much to do the same that Castro has done for som many years. I have asked these same people the foloowing question and have recieved some very wierd answers or no answers at all.
  1. Who bought Castro's sugar thoughout the years?
  2. How many people in Cuba are "political prisioners"?
  3. Why are no Euro tourists allowed in to many parts of the country?
  4. Why are so many people willing to swin 90 miles through shark infested waters to the US if everything is rainbows and unicorns in Cuba?
  5. What happens if you are openly gay in Cuba?
  6. How many people has Che killed himself?
  7. How many people did Che order to have killed?

Normally if I get an answer at it it will be along the lines of " It's the US's fault that we shut out Cuba from free trade, of why do I fear Castro so much.

My answer to the first question is always the same. The USSR bought everything from Cuba. sugar, tobaco and support. The rented land for bases on Cuba. I might add that the USSR bought the sugar and tobaco well above market price. Cuba had more than enough money. Then I counter with the question Angola. Why, if Cuba is sooooo inocent and poor, that Castro sent soldiers, vehicles and equipment to Angola to fight for the communist rebels in that country? It is at this point that I get a blank stare.......and as 99% of the time "Oh you are just a brainwashed American who never see's when your country is wrong." Gee how mature.

So to answer your question Cassy: Liberals love these 2 men so much becasue they want to be like them. Bottem line is they hate their country.