Dienstag, 8. September 2009


I have worked in first level support before. I know the stress, the time limits, the (l)users thinking they know how to solve problems. I habe been there. I have been bloodied.

I sit in second and third level behind a hotline. No fun at all. I will NOT say all hotline workers are stupid moronic useless waste of space. No that is flat out wrong. I WILL say that there are a number of people working IT hotlines are ARE stupid moronic useless wastes of space.

The last ticket I worked yesterday. We rolled out a new CD which installs software to configure a secure connection wiht the internal company netowrk. No big deal right? WRONG! Well atleast for our hotline it was a big deal.

You see we rolled out the PC a few months ago but without a possibality for a UMTS secure connection. Our distributer as he should left the hardware turned off in BIOS. Well just a few weeks ago we got everyhting done and tested. In a meeting and on a installation instruction manual which I wrote, I informed the hotline how this should be handeled.

Now we have roaming techies that were given the job of installing the hardware. Well last friday the first case came in. I wasnÄt at my desk but I heard about it. the hotline took 3 hours to solve the problem. On monday I got the next 2 cases. Both together solved under 30 min.

Today I was called over to the building where the hotline sits. Funny thos people. Anyway the team leader for the HL asked me why my document was not complete. Good thing I printed a copy as well as had my notebook with me......

Lets just say there is one HL worker who feels about 2mm tall right now. If he still has his job this week I will be suprised and disgusted. Basicly he lied to his TL about my document AND the fact that he never knew what needed to be done. So the TL tried to slam me over this and it just wouldn't stick. Those little things that most liars really hate called facts. I had mine and he was left hanging. Little shit.

Crap Vista

On my notebook at home I have Vista. It sucks. I mean it really is bad software. Allt he bells and whistles are turned off and still it takes up half my 4GB RAM just to freaking run! About haly my CPU is buisy with all the crap from Winblows.

So I ahve made a decision. I'll install a boot manager, load my vista crap on one partition and Ubunto on the other. Nice graphical interface and smooth to use. I have 2 machines running it. I like it.

We'll see what happens.

But for now I have to fight with my hotline about some stupid crap. Turns out they are too lazy to read mails and instructions......

Cider Tasting this weeked!

This weekend my girlfriend and I are hosting a cider tasting. We both love Irish cider. Magners/Bulmers being our favorite. We also knwo a few people who also have a love for cider. So she bought a package of different ciders from an online store and this weekend is the weekend!

Right now I am looking for American facts about cider. Famous people in history who drank it and other facts abotut he apple goodness.

To really lives things up we are planning on backed potatoes with chedder and chile! OH HELL YES!! If you you might be wondering where I will be this weekend I'll be at my girl's place enjoying life as it should be enjoyed. With the woman I love and good people eating drinking and having fun.