Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Me the Army years...

I graduated High School in 1990. We were all so ready to get out in the "real world" and make everything soooo uch better. Well ummmm as it always happens we didn't.

I joined the Army shortly after graduation. Basic wasn't a "shock" for me as my dad and many of his friends prepared me for the school. I thought is was so much bullshit but fun bullshit. I honestly enjoyed it. Every second of every day was planned with little or no down time. We were completly cut off from the world. All information, except for letters, was controlled by the drill sergents.

Get up before the sun. Get the f*ck in yer PT's and get yer lazy a$$es the f*ck down stairs for PT. Push-ups, sit ups, deep knee bends, some stretching and off for a run. After that shower and shave, chow then get the common areas cleaned up. Formation and off for the days training.

I enjoyed the road marches the most. Time with my thoughts. I loved it. The longer the better.

I could go deeper in to basic but I'll save that for another time.

After basic and AIT I was off to Airborne school. What a time that was. The instructers, called Black Hats, are the pure definition of professionalism. So high was the bar set. The rest of the time I was in the Army I tried my best to emulate them.

Airborne school was also fun. Even though had an extreme fear of hights. My father convinced me it was not only the best way to get over my fear but the only way. Well turns out he was right. When you stand in the door of an airplane in flight with an altitude of 1250m you learn to say f*ck it! Jumping was a high. It was just incredible. Defy death! Look that bastard death in the face and laugh. After the school I had 2 months down time. My father knowing just about every swinging dick in the Army at the time got me a slot in Phase 1 HALO at Ft Bragg. There I learned what jumping was about. We learned tracking and canopy deployment. I only got in 7 jumps before I had to hit John Wayne High better known as Ranger School.

No I won't go too deep in to this part of my life. Lets just say I graduated, I feel at least, at the very bottem of my class. I barely survived. But I got my patch. No scroll. I was honestly ashamed of myself att he time that I did so poorly that I felt I didn't deserve a Bat.

Light Bulbs

From NewsBusters:

I am right in the middle of all this. Now to cover the high lights as of 01 September 2009 the old fashioned light bulbs will no longer be produced within the EU. Stores will be allowed to sell of stock and when thats gone that's it.

With me so far? Good. This is simply a crock of horse piss. I am old fashioned and an traditionalist American. Where does a government have the power or need to tell the private sector what they can or can not produce? Well here they do have the power. But they have taken this a step further. No longer can I private citizen choose what bulbs I would like to buy. No I have to be taken my my little bitty stupid hand and shown whats "right" by the government.

Now on the other hand the bulbs do last longer. AND they do use less enegry. No probs there. But nothing ever produced by humans is perfect. Hence this link:

It's in German I know. I'm looking for a translated page. If you don't trust me then user your favorite translator.

  1. Use less enegery
  2. Last longer
  3. Lose less warmth


  1. Strong electromagnetic fields. Not good for people with pacemakers...
  2. They flimmer at high frequencies
  3. Bad non natural light source
  4. Not very "Green" in the production
  5. Mercury is present in the bilbs themselvs
  6. When the bulbs are used up they cost a boatload to get rid of. You can't just "toss em"
  7. The older the bulb the lower amount of light produced
  8. The lifetime of the bulb is lowered if you are constantly turning on and off (Anyone with kids are cringing right now)
  9. They are expensive.
  10. When they fall and break open the gas released is toxic

So why is this being rammed up our asses? Simple like 99.9999999999% of all "green ideas" are childish and not thought out. "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING OR WE WILL ALL DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Remember back in the 80's (remember I'm 37 no jokes now...) how the world was RACING toword the next ice age? Unless we DO SOMETHING NOW!! Well what happened to that? Just last year we were racing toword the world frying? Now it's all called "Global Climate Change" Not which way but it's changing. Well guys it's been changing since this mud ball of a planet existed. Some greens have even gone so far as to "declair war" on the GCC! WOW! If I wore my hair long and didn't shower I might be impressed. How about declairing war on the sun? I mean it's like super hot and stuff and it makes us like hot and hot is not good for ice it like melts and stuff. Um like lets kill the sun then no more global hot stuff and stuff.

Yes I was poking fun at greenie weenies.

Just last year all the greens were gushing over methenol as THE new fuel. hmmmmm Well it takes more enegry to produce the stuff than you get out of it. A side effect would be the cost of bread rising. But hey no big deal said the greens. then it was found out that the burning of the fuel releases gases that are more harmful to the envoronment than what we have on the roads today.

Shall I go on? I think you get the point.

Now I'm not someone who "hates mother Earth" or what ever you might be thinking. But I only want more time invested in to research in to new ideas. I want the new ideas looked at, taken appart and all plus and minus points found. I am tired of the newest green fad to be passed off as THE solution and left at that only to find out later that it'll kill us faster that what we have now.

I recycle, I try to keep my speeds down, I don't litter and most important I am open to new ideas. I am willing to look at those ideas and see if they could work. B U T I want solid research in to those ideas before they become some kind of law. Like these stupid light bulbs. Here in Germany I'll have to pay to have them disposed of!


ummmmmmmm I am truely speachless. What else can or should I say?

Disgusting? Sick demented? They all fit.

Here in the west every lefty is wetting their pants when they hear about water boarding, sleep deprivation, loud music or strippers during interrogation of Muslims. Interrogations that has give us so much information in to future attacks that were stopped.

Now we have Muslims saying it's OK to rape prisioners!!?? But it's not OK to rape a homosexual when he is enjoying it?? When will people wake up to real life. These scum in Iran who are in charge are just that scum. They deserve a noose and a mass grave.

I'm willing to bet Obama will issue a strong slap of the wrist 2 each and say oh you bad bad boys. If you don't play nice then I won't let you read my speaches and sniff my dirty laundry.

I am waiting with a smile on my face to see how the lefty reporters react to this. So far it's scilence. I'm 99% sure that it won't change.

Me: The early years

Yes thats right it's all about me. Well if you are wondering what kind of an American decides to live in Germany I'll give you a little insight in to me. Your glorious writer of drivel that you have decided to read.

I am 37 years old. I was welped in Aug 72. My father was in the army for almost 30 very proud years. I was born officially on Rhein-Mein Airbase. B U T (there's that stupid word again) un-officially I was born in a skin clinic in Frankfurt. I had a Germany birth cirtificate the whole deal. Because my mother was Danish I also had a Danish passport along with my American and German. Nice eh?

I grew up happy. As happy as anyone else. We moved about every 3 years. Sometimes sooner but hardly later. I loved it. We lived in Germany, Spain, England and all over the US. We visited my father in Egpyt and South Koera when he was stationed there. I have a brother who is, to the day, exactly 18 months older than I am. We faught a hell of a lot growing up. I can't even remember what about. Doesn't matter much anyway. We sometimes went to civilian schools. Meaning schools off post. I can't imagine why someone would be happy staying in one place for so long. At the same time they couldn't imagine living in Germany or England. Wierd eh?

Anyway I grew up with the outdoors. Fishing, hunting, camping, the Boy Scouts, hiking the whole deal. I am at home in the woods. I am trying to pass that along to my daughter. I respect the wild as much as I love it. I'm not some hippy but I leave a camp site just as clean if not cleaner than as I found it.

My mother was a stay-at-home mom. She made damn sure a smiling face was there when we came home. She made us a snack, got us to get our homework done and got ready for supper. She did the laundry, cook and picked up after 3 males whom she loved. She kissed skinned knees and picked up up after football practice. Sadly we lost her last year. My whole life she was a rock. she was someone who I could go to for advice and guidence anytime. I miss her so much.

My dad is my dad. He drove discpline home. He made sure we were respectful and that everything was right in our little part of the world. He also showed us parts of life that my mother couldn't. The Army. Becasue of my father I later decided to become the elete in the Army. An Infantryman. There are non better. Many try but non come close. We let the Marines think they are the best becasue the Jarheads need that bullshit. We don't. We know it and the rest of the human race know it.

My older brother. A heart of gold. Always bigger than me but ready to give the shirt off his back if needed. No questions asked. I always loved my brother. I looked up to him. I always asked myself how could someone be so nice to people? He shaped me in to the person I am today. Always trying to one up eachother we unknowing pushed each other further.

The rest will come later. If you have any questions just let me know. I have little to hide.

This Blog

OK OK OK this blog well it's mine. You don't like it well no probs from me. I have 1 reader so far. Well maybe a few more no idea.

Anyway this blog is ALLLLLL me. My topics. I alone choose what I write about. I might write about politics or cooking. I might write about a drumken weekend or a great weekend with my daughter.

B U T (yep there is one of those) Everything will center around a proud American veteran living and working in Germany. I was married for over 15 years to a German. Well things didn't work out but we don't need to get in to that now do we?

I have a wonderful girlfriend now. She is smart, can cook, sew, has a good job, we like the same music and she is a beautiful woman. Sorry guys no pics. She's mine and she likes it that way! I don't share anyway.