Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Me the Army years...

I graduated High School in 1990. We were all so ready to get out in the "real world" and make everything soooo uch better. Well ummmm as it always happens we didn't.

I joined the Army shortly after graduation. Basic wasn't a "shock" for me as my dad and many of his friends prepared me for the school. I thought is was so much bullshit but fun bullshit. I honestly enjoyed it. Every second of every day was planned with little or no down time. We were completly cut off from the world. All information, except for letters, was controlled by the drill sergents.

Get up before the sun. Get the f*ck in yer PT's and get yer lazy a$$es the f*ck down stairs for PT. Push-ups, sit ups, deep knee bends, some stretching and off for a run. After that shower and shave, chow then get the common areas cleaned up. Formation and off for the days training.

I enjoyed the road marches the most. Time with my thoughts. I loved it. The longer the better.

I could go deeper in to basic but I'll save that for another time.

After basic and AIT I was off to Airborne school. What a time that was. The instructers, called Black Hats, are the pure definition of professionalism. So high was the bar set. The rest of the time I was in the Army I tried my best to emulate them.

Airborne school was also fun. Even though had an extreme fear of hights. My father convinced me it was not only the best way to get over my fear but the only way. Well turns out he was right. When you stand in the door of an airplane in flight with an altitude of 1250m you learn to say f*ck it! Jumping was a high. It was just incredible. Defy death! Look that bastard death in the face and laugh. After the school I had 2 months down time. My father knowing just about every swinging dick in the Army at the time got me a slot in Phase 1 HALO at Ft Bragg. There I learned what jumping was about. We learned tracking and canopy deployment. I only got in 7 jumps before I had to hit John Wayne High better known as Ranger School.

No I won't go too deep in to this part of my life. Lets just say I graduated, I feel at least, at the very bottem of my class. I barely survived. But I got my patch. No scroll. I was honestly ashamed of myself att he time that I did so poorly that I felt I didn't deserve a Bat.

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