I found this during my travels across the net. It troubles me. It really does. http://redmaryland.blogspot.com/2009/09/obama-worship-comes-to-howard-county.html
This is the third such happenence in the last few weeks. Elementry kids singing praises to Obama. I can hear my girlfriend asking me "yah and? Whats's the problem with kids singing about Obama?"
Well dear is it rather simple and here's why:
We had 8 years of the left in America ranting and slobbering about how they were afraid of people doing the same for Bush. Now that we have Obama is't all OK.
These are elementry school kids ages 5 to 13. They are easy to form. They can be swung from one side to the next easy as setting up yer own blog. Using kids to push a political agenda is sick and disgusting. These kids are now a shield against retort, dissent and open discussion. As soon as someone speaks up against Obama that person will be asked about "the children" and asked why he "hates the children" The left is well known for this tactic and have used it in the mast many many times.
Teachers are supposed to teach kids to think freely and prepare them for getting out on thier own. This does the oppisite. Indoctronating children does not teach them the 3 R's. Apolitical agenda will not help them get a good job nor prepare them for striking out on thier own.
Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Castro, Che, Lenin and som many other brutal dicators did the same. They all used children for thier own agenda and in most cases kids were tought to turn in thier parents for speaking out against the party. Now I don't think it will come to this in America but it has all started with kids being forced to sing praises to the "Dear Leader"
Having said all the above, and I believe it, I don't think Obama is personally at fault here. I am sure he knows what is going on but I don't think he has ordered it. B U T He is aware of it and he is not denouncing it. The exact same as supporting it. If he was half as honest as he claims he would say something along these lines:
"I have seen the videos and heard the songs. They are good and I thank the children for thier praise. I am but one man. I do not deserve these high praises. Our soldiers, firemen, doctors, nurses, EMT's derserve them......
But he won't. As we saw this week in Copenhagen it's all about him. The sacrifices he makes and how hard he is working to change and how wonderful it is to be him. No he won't say a word against it. Thats makes him incredibly vain and arrogant.
I'll be writing about the 2016 Chicago bid next.....This one was funny.
Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009
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