Montag, 9. November 2009
Ungrateful bitch
this bitch writes:
On 9 November 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down I realised German unification would soon follow, which it did a year later. This meant the end of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), the country in which I was born, grew up, gave birth to my two children, gained my doctorate and enjoyed a fulfilling job as a lecturer in English literature at Potsdam University. Of course, unification brought with it the freedom to travel the world and, for some, more material wealth, but it also brought social breakdown, widespread unemployment, blacklisting, a crass materialism and an "elbow society" as well as a demonisation of the country I lived in and helped shape. Despite the advantages, for many it was more a disaster than a celebratory event.
Ummmmmmmmmm WHAT???? blacklisting? Demonistion of anything? You are refering to the same country that was sooooooo wonderful that they had to build a wall around it to KEEP THE FREAKIG PEOPLE OUT??????? Yah OK.
Lady you were protected. I am very sure you were a card carring member fo the ruling party. They were for the most part untouchable. The STASI would not arrest you or a member of your family unless you pissed on a Soviet monument in public while on a drinking binge.
So shut the hell up about your crap. Sadly she goes on...
Little is known here about what happened to the GDR economy when the wall fell. Once the border was open the government decided to set up a trusteeship to ensure that "publicly owned enterprises" (the majority of businesses) would be transferred to the citizens who'd created the wealth. However, a few months before unification, the then newly elected conservative government handed over the trusteeship to west German appointees, many representing big business interests. The idea of "publicly owned" assets being transferred to citizens was quietly dropped. Instead all assets were privatised at breakneck speed. More then 85% were bought by west Germans and many were closed soon after. In the countryside 1.7 million hectares of agricultural and forest land were sold off and 80% of agricultural workers lost their job.
Have you ever stopped to think or even question why this happened? Well lets see your "wonderful" system and country never allowed private ownership of land or companies. Everything was collective. Means that the state owned and controlled everything. So If you own nothing then how can you understand the meaning of the concept.
Your "country" that you miss and loved so much ws 40 years behind on all levels. Be it agricultural, medical, educational, finicial, moral, technicial and everything else. Your people were still tryig to plow firlds with horse drawn plows! How could anyone compete like that. Naturally the farms were lost to big businesses. Also under your great system once a farmer met his quota for the month, quarter or season he stopped. Crops rotted in the felds simply becasue he had no reason what so ever to work further. The money he recieved was the same.
In July 1990, when the GDR still existed, a hasty "currency union" was introduced with the result that the GDR economy was plunged into bankruptcy. Before unification the West German mark was worth 4.50 GDR marks; however, at currency union it was fixed at parity with an exchange rate of 1:1. The result was that GDR export products rose in price by 450% overnight and were no longer competitive; the export market (39% of the economy) inevitably imploded.
I was hoping this would come out.
Lady what was there to buy in the east? Expensive cars, VCR's, Walkmen, houses? What? Not a damn thing. Hell there was barely enough food to buy in the stores under your wonderful system. So what did people do with the money? They saved it. They put it away. When the wall came crashig down and the east mark was worth 1:1 with the west mark people came tothe west and shot thier load of on cars, TV's, VCR's, satalite dishes, vacations, food and everything else they needed.
When I heard this I was amazed. Truels shocked. My father was stationed in Berlin. I had been to the East and I knew the real value of the east mark. Lets just say we used it sometimes to blow our noses as a joke. Kleenex was worth more than the east mark. Suddendly it was worth something and the people went nuts.
Retirement. Yep there is that little word. Of all your time in living and working in the east how much did you pay into a west German retirement plan? Not a red cent. So when you retire you'll get your full retirement but have paied very little in to it. Now yer making cash writing about the evils of the west? The same system that will make damn sure you live deciently when you decide to retire? Ungratefull bitch.
Never fear there is a political party for you here in Germany. Die Linke. The Left. They are the remnents of your old wonderful system. They are working hard to bring back your system and to turn Germany back 60 years. I am sure you are a card carring member and voted for them with glee.
I'll stick to the system that made Germany great and keeps Germany strong and stabil. You stick to pointing fingers of blame for the problems you and your system created. You continue to protect the same system that shot people for wanting freedom of choice.
I asked a question at the top of the post that I heard asked a former party member of the DDR who was defending his system. The question:
If the DDR was so wonderful why did they build a wall. To keep people out or in? Please answer it for me please.
20 years ago today...
For the last 20 years the German government has been "re-building" the east. Yes it was needed. The infrastructure was a complete mess. Roads were terrible, most appartment buildings were drafty and the heating systems, well lets just say sucked. So the German government started pumping billions in tothe east. To cover the costs the government invented something new. The then chancilor Kohl said this would be needed for only a few years. Well guess what? Those few years has turned in to 20 and we are still paying for it. I ask why? Autobahn 9 form Nuremburg to Berlin is one of the best and most modern highways in Europe. It has been finished for 4 years now and still we are paying. Why? Leipzig, Dresden and the east part of Berlin are up to par with the west. Still we pay.
In the West major repairs and expansions were put on hold for 20 years! Just now things are kicking in again. A3 that runs from northwest German to just south of Nuremberg where it meets with A6 and A9 is a wreck. When driving south form Cologne, like I do very often, it turns from 3 lanes to 2 lanes. Same amount of cars but less room creating a traffic nightmare equal to LA during afternoon rush hour. Then toss in 4 major construction areas and it is just impossiable to drive at a walking pace.
yes I am ranting. Look for me next post to find out exactly why.....
Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2009
My thoughts 27 Oct 2009
- Tired didn't sleep that well last night and had problems getting back to sleep got coffee hooked up to an IV...
- If yer gonna be at MTC in Cologne Germany tonight let me know. I'll let ya buy me a brew... :-)
- If any guy thinks they have the best girlfriend in the world. YOU. ARE. WRONG! Yep yer wrong cause I have her! And she only has eyes for me! So suck it!
- Rats have gotten a really bad rap over the years. None of the bullshit is true. Rats are smarter than dogs, more loyal than cats and cleaner than both combined! So the old argument of wether dogs are smarter than cats is settled. Neither are smarter than rats.
- From the Darkbuster song Skinhead "Skinhead skinhead drink tonoght! They beers are going down like water!"
Obama in Berlin???
No idea but I am wondering. Every president has made it every year and laid a wreath at the memorial of the people killed trying to cross over from the east. Why can't he make the 20th anniversey? HE can fly to Copenhagen to give his pitch for the Olympics. Damn near a personal trip. No he has to continue his war with a news network. While more and more men in Afganistan die while he twiddels his thumbs waiting for the politically correct time to act.
Mr President either fight the war to win or get our troops home! Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way!
Montag, 26. Oktober 2009
My thoghts
I used to twitt or what ever it's called. I just don't like it. I have facebook, myspace, WKW, 4 mail addresses, an iPhone and it is just too much. No thanks I clesed my account and left it at that. But I'll add my thoughts here.
- Still waiting on someone to tell me why they voted for Obama. Seems like the French have bigger balls than Obama.
- Unemployment is way up in the US. What happened to those "shovel ready jobs" Mr. President.?
- If the president is such a wonderful world leader then why is it that terrorists are laughing at him?
- I love to cook! I really love cooking for my girlfriend!
- If CO² emmisions are lowered as the greens want then what will trees and plants breath?
- If Bus was so bad why is it that Obama has changed so very little of his policies? hmmmmmmmmm
- Everything Bush was accused of for 8 years: killing free speech, limiting freedoms, taking over private businesses, waging war recklessly is exactly what Obama is doing. Where are the protests calling for his death?
Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009
The One and the olympics
I read his speach he gave in Copenhagen. It was a love fest of, from and to his self. "My sacrifices, the bold new age that came to pass when I was elected. "
The IOC voted Chicago out in the first round. No idea why but I do have some ideas. No I won't get in to them. Am I gloating? You bet. One of the stands that Obama ran his election on was if he were to be elected the entire world would "love" us again. I call bullshit then and I still do. This only proves my point. the people who in fact like us I can break down in to 3 catagories
1) They see the sacrifices Americans have made through out our history to promote and defend freedom. Take Germany and WWII as a good example. After WWII The US could have made Germany a state. But CHOSE not to. Instead th US loaned Germany a boat load of money, which has been paid back including intrest, and built a modern country. They did so ver well. They also chose thier own form of government. there are many other examples but I think you get the idea
2) People who have benifited form America's sacrifice. I have been to Normandy a few times. I love going there and feeling the history. D-Day being one of America's hardest sacrifices has turned in to a day, for people in the area to be a day to be thankful. There is a woman that lives there. She was a little girl, her words, during the invasion. She grows flowers in her garden. Those flowers she picks and places a flower on the grave of every soldier buried there. American, French, English or Canadian. She never mentioned the Germans and I never asked her. She has thanked every D-Day veteran that has visited the sights. She opens her home to the men. She thanked me the time I met her for my service to my country and to the people of the world. I was in tears.
3) People paying lip service to a good thing. Examples are many but I'll stick to one. Saudi Arabia. It was American technology that found and pumped oil out of the ground in Saudi. It was Americans who provided the means in which the people there could make tons of money. Then turn around and try to blackmale the world in to paying more for oil then what it's worth AND worse yet sponsering terrorism. But Gosh steffen they sure love thier freedom! Really? Have you been there? I have. A country where a goat has more rights than a woman. Yes thats right a man could go to jail for killing a goat but be praised as a hero for killing a woman. Where a woman can't drive vote or even show her face in public. Freedom? None there.
Obama never really understood that the world is a complicated place. If the world hated the US so bad why are millions of people a year trying to get in to the US to live and work? Legally and illegally. I have been living here in Germany since 1994. I have only one time wittnessed any kind of hatred. It was a student with a big mouth and no grasp of facts. He also made my daughter cry and got a slap from me for that. I have seen Germans bend over backwards to make American tourists feel welcome and to help them. I saw the same in Spain and Turkey. So Mr. Obama why would the world suddendly change becasue you are president? Are you really that arrogant? I now think so.
Back to topic. Why did I think that the summer games would not be such a hot idea for Chicago? Money. Simple and easy. You see Chicago is just about broke. They would not have been able to afford to build all the shiney new building needed. they would have had to take a few loans. But from where? The state is broke. The federal government is damn near broke. So where to get the money. Not from a bank as the return for hosting the games, well sucks. As seen in the last 3 cities that hosted the games they lost millions. Notice lost not being a good thing. They are stuck with the bill. Peking is tying to come up with ways to rent out all the buildings. Funny eh? I don't think so.
I love the summer games. It's a chance for athletes to shine. they work damn hard training and it's thier time to prove thier hard work. But as seen in many games in the past they have turned in to a political theater. No longer being about the sports or the athletes. Well I wouldn't care if the games were done away with. Not really my problem. But as long as we have then I will continue to enjoy them.
ummmmmm yah about that
This is the third such happenence in the last few weeks. Elementry kids singing praises to Obama. I can hear my girlfriend asking me "yah and? Whats's the problem with kids singing about Obama?"
Well dear is it rather simple and here's why:
We had 8 years of the left in America ranting and slobbering about how they were afraid of people doing the same for Bush. Now that we have Obama is't all OK.
These are elementry school kids ages 5 to 13. They are easy to form. They can be swung from one side to the next easy as setting up yer own blog. Using kids to push a political agenda is sick and disgusting. These kids are now a shield against retort, dissent and open discussion. As soon as someone speaks up against Obama that person will be asked about "the children" and asked why he "hates the children" The left is well known for this tactic and have used it in the mast many many times.
Teachers are supposed to teach kids to think freely and prepare them for getting out on thier own. This does the oppisite. Indoctronating children does not teach them the 3 R's. Apolitical agenda will not help them get a good job nor prepare them for striking out on thier own.
Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Chavez, Castro, Che, Lenin and som many other brutal dicators did the same. They all used children for thier own agenda and in most cases kids were tought to turn in thier parents for speaking out against the party. Now I don't think it will come to this in America but it has all started with kids being forced to sing praises to the "Dear Leader"
Having said all the above, and I believe it, I don't think Obama is personally at fault here. I am sure he knows what is going on but I don't think he has ordered it. B U T He is aware of it and he is not denouncing it. The exact same as supporting it. If he was half as honest as he claims he would say something along these lines:
"I have seen the videos and heard the songs. They are good and I thank the children for thier praise. I am but one man. I do not deserve these high praises. Our soldiers, firemen, doctors, nurses, EMT's derserve them......
But he won't. As we saw this week in Copenhagen it's all about him. The sacrifices he makes and how hard he is working to change and how wonderful it is to be him. No he won't say a word against it. Thats makes him incredibly vain and arrogant.
I'll be writing about the 2016 Chicago bid next.....This one was funny.
Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2009
Old fashioned
Many things today that are important were, back then, not at all important. Such as a car. today everyone wants a new car but are unwilling or unable to pay for it. Well plus the fact that cars today are worth crap. Back in the 50's cars were also expensive but not as expensive as todays standards. With few tools and even fewer skills you could fix just about anything on your car. Today mechanics hook your car up to a computer and lets it tell you whats wrong with it. Sure that makes it easier to find a problem. My first car was a 65 Mustag fast back. I could tell you what was wrong wiht the car just by listening.
Back in the 50's there was no internet. That alone is worth something to me. Yes I earn my money as a system admin. But back then I would have most likely been a mechanic or a soldier.
People in the 50's questioned thier government but in a different way than they do today. Today we do in fact have the internet. Today information can be reached fast and easy. But at what price? I don't mena money. I mean the quality of the information and the source. On both sides of the political spectrum people are still getting thier information from the same tired sources. Well today more and more people are turning to blogs. No not this one but there are the "power houses" out there. I read a few. Some left but mostly right. All have thier agenda. the blogs I read daily I feel are good. As they quote and link sources but also leave things open to form your own opinion. Huffpost is a bad example. The posts there are not well written and are written in a commanding style that leave me no doubt that the author thinks he/she is oooooooohhhhhhh soooooo much smarter than me. Maybe so but I can think and reason for myself and I can and do for my own opinions.
In the 50's the biggest topic in high school was "doing it" I have read that so many times. When I was in school it was who had the sharpest car. Today it seems to be many different things at once. Pregnancy, Facebook, clothes, music and so much more. These things are shaping the minds of the next generation. this honestly scares me. Priorties are getting more screwed up.
I used to coach youth football here in Germany. Yes they play football here. Anyway orking with kids I got to see first hand what was important to kids. Here in Germany future is not very important becasue kids feel they don't have a future. Live now and screw tomorrow. I had a small hand in trying to change that for a few kids. I did my best to show them what can happen when they work hard and study hard. I demand alot from my players. Be on time and never be late. If you cost me my time I WILL take yours. Give me exactly the same I give you. That being 100%, 100% of the time. NEVER EVER no matter how bad it looks do you give up. Don't lie. If you make a mistake admit it, work to correct it and most important learn from it.
I sent 2 of my boys to American universities. I also sent 3 boys to the German Army. These were kids who had bad grades, were never really challenged and honestly didn't give a crap about thier future. The 2 I sent to the US will graduate next year. One will come back to Germany and continue his studies. He wants to be a doctor. The other will stay in the US and start work there. One of the kids I sent to the German Army has been to Afganistan twice. He has grown a lot since he played for me. He went Airborne and sniper. He's home now and he's getting ready to go to school to be an officier. At the same time he'll be going to the university within the Army. Again these are kids who had no future to look foward to.
My old fashioned ideals and morals has helped. Would the left wing morals have helped? No I honestly don't think so because according to the left wing all your problems are not your fault.
Dienstag, 29. September 2009
Holy crap
My notebook up and died on me last week and I had to send it in to get fixed. I got it back yesterday. Havn't set it up yet but I'll get there.
Also last week one of our (my girl and mine) rats died. No idea why or what killed it. I was down when she told me. He was my favorite. When I had them here with me I would sit and talk to him. Or I would let him run around in my hall and we would talk. Wierd I know but I felt a lot better when he was there.
Zoe was his sister and she lives on. She is also a good rat but for different reasons. She has her own personality. Just like people rats are thier own. Zoe is Zoe. She enjoys attention and good food. She also likes to sit and watch us watch TV, talk or what ever. It feel like she is studying us. Not a bad feeling. It does show me how smart rats are.
But as of Saturday we have 2 new ladies. A Gracie and an Alice. I gave them thier names. Gracie after the late Gracie Burns from the George Burns show. Really old show but always a pleasure to watch. She played a not so smart ditzie woman on the radio and later TV shows. but in real life I have read that she was very intelligent and played a big role in the success of her husband George Burns.
Alice is named after Alice Kramden. You know the Honeymooners. Not that crap movie from 2005 but the original show. She was strong at home. keeping the appartment clean and supper on the table. She was also strong enough to let her husband do stupid things. She was always there for him and supported him completly. Think of the Flintstones. the original series. Wilma.
Donnerstag, 10. September 2009
Obama's speach last night
"When I spoke here last winter, this nation was facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We were losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month. Credit was frozen. And our financial system was on the verge of collapse. When I spoke here last winter, this nation was facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We were losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month. Credit was frozen. And our financial system was on the verge of collapse. "
Well I am sure glad THAT'S over!!! Oh....Wait it's worse now then before. Not only are American jobs dropping like flies. Small business are closing, those with jobs are having hours cut back. The so called Stimulis package rammed down our throats has dome nothing to stumulate anything except goverment jobs and waste money. On the bright side the Obama administration has made the Guiness Book of World records. The most money spent at a single time, the most money spent by a single president within 3 years in to his term, most money spent at a single time with nothing to show for it.
"As any American who is still looking for work or a way to pay their bills will tell you, we are by no means out of the woods. A full and vibrant recovery is still many months away. And I will not let up until those Americans who seek jobs can find them -- (applause) -- until those businesses that seek capital and credit can thrive; until all responsible homeowners can stay in their homes. That is our ultimate goal. But thanks to the bold and decisive action we've taken since January, I can stand here with confidence and say that we have pulled this economy back from the brink. (Applause.)"
Ummmmmmm What bold decisions Mr President? Waste of money, ramming crap down our throats that a very clear majority of the American people don't want? A clearer majority than with which you were elected? Remember Mr. President you were elected to represent the People of the United States of America. Not just the people who elected you. OH wait many of them are turning against you. No suprise there is there?
Remember Mr. President you accused Bush of too much spending. You accused Bush of throwing money away for useless projects? I ask you Mr. President where are those "shovel ready" projects you and your shadow Binden bragged about? Yah thought so.
"I want to thank the members of this body for your efforts and your support in these last several months, and especially those who've taken the difficult votes that have put us on a path to recovery. I also want to thank the American people for their patience and resolve during this trying time for our nation. "
Patience? People are out in the streets protesting your destructive ideas and ideals. They are angry and more pissed off with your bullshit. Haven't you been advised of this? OH wait members of your party would rather insult them or ignore them. Forgot about that. Sorry my bad.
"I am not the first President to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last. (Applause.) It has now been nearly a century since Theodore Roosevelt first called for health care reform. And ever since, nearly every President and Congress, whether Democrat or Republican, has attempted to meet this challenge in some way. A bill for comprehensive health reform was first introduced by John Dingell Sr. in 1943. Sixty-five years later, his son continues to introduce that same bill at the beginning of each session. (Applause.)"
OH please! Roosevelt was no more the man who ended the depression as I was. He was a closet socialist and a moron. What he did, more importanlty what he tried to do was against the constitution. Didn't you learn about the US constitution in that school in Indonesia? How about in law school? Wasn't that little document discussed? I guess not as seen by your take over of American banks, GM and your attempt to take over the American health insurance industry.
Shall I get in to term limits? Wait I don't need to as that was one of your promises from 2008 wasn't it? Can you say fail? I knew ya could Mr. President.
"We are the only democracy -- the only advanced democracy on Earth -- the only wealthy nation -- that allows such hardship for millions of its people. There are now more than 30 million American citizens who cannot get coverage. In just a two-year period, one in every three Americans goes without health care coverage at some point. And every day, 14,000 Americans lose their coverage. In other words, it can happen to anyone. "
Why do democrats and left wing loons feel the need to be like the rest of the world? Look at the system in the UK and Canada. People are dying waiting for treatment. Just this week a baby died 2 hours after birth in the UK becasue it's gainst policy to deny treatment to premature born babies! Mr. President is THAT what you want for our nation?
Can you tell me Mr. President why some many people from England and Canada come to the US for treatment for problems that are against policy in thier home country or where they have been waiting for months sometimes even years? Please Mr. President what is soooooooo wonderful about that?
"But the problem that plagues the health care system is not just a problem for the uninsured. Those who do have insurance have never had less security and stability than they do today. More and more Americans worry that if you move, lose your job, or change your job, you'll lose your health insurance too. More and more Americans pay their premiums, only to discover that their insurance company has dropped their coverage when they get sick, or won't pay the full cost of care. It happens every day. "
Facts Mr. President. You know those things that are not emotions or feelings. Facts. Provide some. Would be nice for a change.
"One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn't reported gallstones that he didn't even know about. They delayed his treatment, and he died because of it. Another woman from Texas was about to get a double mastectomy when her insurance company canceled her policy because she forgot to declare a case of acne. By the time she had her insurance reinstated, her breast cancer had more than doubled in size. That is heart-breaking, it is wrong, and no one should be treated that way in the United States of America. "
OK good try. The man from Illinois I'm willing to bet that in his policy that he signed, he was required to get a full check-up every year. My German policy says so. I get one every 6 months. He went against his policy. Maybe read the document before signing it?
How about the man in London last year. I'm sure your advisors told you about this case. A man who served The Queen in WWII honorably. He was aworded a number of medals for bravery. His wife needed hip replacement surgery. Under the English health plan (much like the one you propose for the US) She was on a waiting list, living with extrweme pain for 9 months. Her husband sold his medals to buy a plane ticket to the US and paid for the surgery so that his wife could live without pain. THAT Mr. President is heart breaking! Not only that it is DISGUSTING!
"Then there's the problem of rising cost. We spend one and a half times more per person on health care than any other country, but we aren't any healthier for it. This is one of the reasons that insurance premiums have gone up three times faster than wages..."
No Mr. President lawyers like yourself and John Edwards, as well as many many others, who sue a doctor faster than you can look. That doctor has to turn around and pay out the ass for malpractice insurance , which in turn he has to recover somehow. Glass house Mr. President. Don't forget.
"Finally, our health care system is placing an unsustainable burden on taxpayers. When health care costs grow at the rate they have, it puts greater pressure on programs like Medicare and Medicaid. If we do nothing to slow these skyrocketing costs, we will eventually be spending more on Medicare and Medicaid than every other government program combined. Put simply, our health care problem is our deficit problem. Nothing else even comes close. Nothing else."
Ever hear of the baby boomer generation Mr. President? It appears you haven't. Those born in the late 40's to early 50's are getting older. They require much more medical care than say a 20 year old. Just ask your mother. She was born during that time. Look at her medical bills then look at yours. See a difference? Yes the system is broke but what you are demanding will break the country fininacially.
"There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like Canada's"
BLIVIT! Or for you civilians 10 pounds of bullshit in a 5 pound bag. Why are so many people from Canada coming across the boarder to get treatment if thier system is soooooooo perfect? Care to answer that Mr. President? I thought not.
You want power. Pure and simple. You want to enforce your opinions and your parties will on us. Nothing more. Look at all the welfare systems across the nation. Not a single one provide for education for a recipiant to get a better job. No just throw money at the problem and hope it goes away. Just like this problem we have on the table now. That has never, nor will it ever work.
THAT is the biggest difference between the left and right that exists. the right see a problem and want to fix the problem. The left want to fix it also but those of us on the right will work to FIX the problem. The left will just throw money at it and hoep it goes away.
"where we would severely restrict the private insurance market and have the government provide coverage for everybody. On the right, there are those who argue that we should end employer-based systems and leave individuals to buy health insurance on their own. "
Here he comes right out and says it. He want to regulate the free market. And the constitution takes another hit. Is this the "change" you promised? Is this your image of America? Mr. President please stop the crap. Stop piling debt apon debt on out country.
"But what we've also seen in these last months is the same partisan spectacle that only hardens the disdain many Americans have towards their own government. Instead of honest debate, we've seen scare tactics. Some have dug into unyielding ideological camps that offer no hope of compromise. Too many have used this as an opportunity to score short-term political points, even if it robs the country of our opportunity to solve a long-term challenge. And out of this blizzard of charges and counter-charges, confusion has reigned. "
Yet more insults. Yet more bullshit with nothing to back it. Scare tactics Mr. President? What about your union thugs that brutility attacked a man for his opinion. What about one of your supporters that BIT OFF THE FINGER of another man becasue of his opinion? You are full of shit Mr. President.
Mr. President if you wanted honest debate why have you not talked to Republicans in the House and Senate since April? If you really wanted to sit down and talk why are you ramming this through congress so fast?
---End of part one---
Cahs for Clunkers German style
This program, be it in the USA or Germany was reckless and stupid for everyone all around. Here's why:
- Less "older" cars on the roads mean less cheaper cars for lower income people to buy. A damn good example is a friend of mine has a daughter. She just turned 18 and is ready to get her license. Now my friend wants to buy her a car but just can't see spending more than €500 for a car that is most likely to get trashed within the first year. He is having a damn hard time finding a safe decient car for €500 for his daughter.
- Mechanic shops. Wierd but a major backlash of getting so many older cars off the road and replacing them with new cars hurts mechanics and thier livelyhood. Less cars to fix means less money in thier pockets meaning less people he can hire. More unemployment.
- Along those lines cars that were "sold" in to the program had to be scrapped. Including the parts. That means junk yards are getting fewer used parts and that drives up the price.
- Large strain on fixed incomes. Suddendly people who baught into the lie of €2500 for thier old car are shelling out a lot of money every month for a new car. Money that will not be spent on other things that help the economy in the longer run.
- Before the programs went in to effect the car market was a buyers dream. there was a lot of room to haggel over a price. Suddendly the market dried up and prices have gone back up. The market was over flowing with new cars and dealerships were itching to sell those cars. I talked to a dealership in early Janurary and I could have bought a new VW Golf. Normal price for the model and packageI was looking at was €32,000. I had the mad down to €20,000 and he was throwing in new summer tired on top! That same car today I would have no chance at all to talk the dealer down.
- In the US most cars that were turned in were American cars. A full 80% of the cars bought were made in Japan and Korea! The US stimulated the Asian car market! I am sure the Japanese and Koreans are happy about that and are hoping for more. Change we can believe in Mr President?
- Lastly in the US not many people realized that the $4500 they got out of that program is taxable as income. SUPRISE SUPRISE SUPRISE! You paid part of that "free" money you got! and Will be paying for the next 30 years.
So basicly no one with any sense in thier heads was asked if these programs were good for anything.
In the US Obama had his speach about health care. He openly lied about many things and stretched some figures on others. If the cash for clunkers programs are any indication of government run anything please leave me out of it.
Mittwoch, 9. September 2009
A new WTF question
I go to the gym 5 times a week. I try my best to eat right. I shower daily and take care fo my body. Well I do smoke about a pack a day. No bullshit excuses from me. It's stupid and costs a shitload of money. But I still do it. Give me a break.
Anyway. Why this......thing? Yes McD's has tried to go healthy and it failed. People want jusk. they wantt o stuff themselvs with greeseball burgers. Fine thier choice. But I remember the campaign from McD's where they were trying to convince people that thier food was ooooohhhhhhhh soooooooooo healthy. Well then they changed again and are offering mroe healthy and fresh foods. Great job!
My daughter, when we go orders her happy meal with a cheese burger, fruit instead of fries and milk. SHE ORDERS IT! Hell yah!
I'm not going to get in to the whole "America is fat and we're all gonna die" mem. It's there. If you know yer fat and still don't do something against it your problem. Don't cry to me when you have to have that triple bipass. I invest 5-8 hours a week to keep myself in shape. If you say you don't have the time then ask me and I can give you some help and ideas for 20 min a day. No not some home gym that doesn't do shit. I have played football a lot in my life. 4 years High School and 12 years semi pro. I did 4 years in the Army. I have a few solid ideas on things you can do at home and will take as much time as you can invest.
The Obama school speech
So I read the transcript today. BOARING! Same shit different president. But I find a few things funny. Not ha ha funny but wierd funny.
First off when Bush Sr gave his speach there were cries from the democrats of republican indoctrination. More so and youder when Bush Jr gave his speach. After Bush Sr gave his speach there were investigations and all kinds of crap that turned up........nothing wrong or bad.
Now before Obama gave his speach the republicans and many of the right were saying pretty much the same thing. Well I read the speach and found nothign wrong with a president trying to steer kids in the right direction by staying in school, working hard, getting good grades and all that. I say good job Obama.
B U T (there's that word again) Obama supporters put out little ideas to kids about what to do AFTER the speach. Like write a letter to yourself on how you can support Obama more. ????? ummmmmmm what in the hell does that have to do with a president trying to motovate kids to do better in school? NOTHING!
Now we have a bunch of looney "actors" who made a commerical about how they pledge to support Obama. ummmmmmm correct me if I am wrong but the people elect the president and HE works for the people. I know wierd concept for the looney left but a basic concept put forth by the founders of our country.
How about teachers asking thier pupels to write a letter on how they could become better students? Or how they could better thier community? Not how they could support one man. Lenin said something that reminds me of what I saw happening with Obama supporters and Obama's school kids speech: "Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." This is how I see many of Obama's followers. They are communists. they want nothing other than to turn our country away froma republic style of government backed by capitolism to a socialist bassed government.
In the US we have many freedoms. One of which is the freedom of speach. I can say pretty much what I want when I want. OK? B U T (here it is again) there are moral codes and rules that go with that. Over the last 4 years we saw how low people can get. Comparing Bush to Hitler, compairing Bush to Satan....The list can be long if I let it.
There were people calling for the death of Bush. These same people screamed, rather loud, they are against war and violence. hmmmmmmmmmm Rather stupid in my opinion.
So back to the point. The left was wrong trying to turn this in to an indoctrination stunt and the right was wrong for screaming about how Obama wants to controll the kids.
Obama was right making the speach and trying to motivate the kids in to becomming better students and citizens.
Does it all even out? I have no idea. I am trying to see all sides to the issues. I am trying to keep above the insulting level and present facts. thats is who and what I am.
I don't much care for Obama as a president. He is not my president. I have little respect for him as a man and less respect for him as a president. but I will try my very best to be fair to him. I do respect the position he holds. However badly he has been doing it.
I'm working on a post that presents the good things he has done so far against the complete fuck ups he has done so far. I'll let you decide. I have already. After that post I'll tell you exactly where I stand on the topic president Obama.
Dienstag, 8. September 2009
I sit in second and third level behind a hotline. No fun at all. I will NOT say all hotline workers are stupid moronic useless waste of space. No that is flat out wrong. I WILL say that there are a number of people working IT hotlines are ARE stupid moronic useless wastes of space.
The last ticket I worked yesterday. We rolled out a new CD which installs software to configure a secure connection wiht the internal company netowrk. No big deal right? WRONG! Well atleast for our hotline it was a big deal.
You see we rolled out the PC a few months ago but without a possibality for a UMTS secure connection. Our distributer as he should left the hardware turned off in BIOS. Well just a few weeks ago we got everyhting done and tested. In a meeting and on a installation instruction manual which I wrote, I informed the hotline how this should be handeled.
Now we have roaming techies that were given the job of installing the hardware. Well last friday the first case came in. I wasnÄt at my desk but I heard about it. the hotline took 3 hours to solve the problem. On monday I got the next 2 cases. Both together solved under 30 min.
Today I was called over to the building where the hotline sits. Funny thos people. Anyway the team leader for the HL asked me why my document was not complete. Good thing I printed a copy as well as had my notebook with me......
Lets just say there is one HL worker who feels about 2mm tall right now. If he still has his job this week I will be suprised and disgusted. Basicly he lied to his TL about my document AND the fact that he never knew what needed to be done. So the TL tried to slam me over this and it just wouldn't stick. Those little things that most liars really hate called facts. I had mine and he was left hanging. Little shit.
Crap Vista
So I ahve made a decision. I'll install a boot manager, load my vista crap on one partition and Ubunto on the other. Nice graphical interface and smooth to use. I have 2 machines running it. I like it.
We'll see what happens.
But for now I have to fight with my hotline about some stupid crap. Turns out they are too lazy to read mails and instructions......
Cider Tasting this weeked!
Right now I am looking for American facts about cider. Famous people in history who drank it and other facts abotut he apple goodness.
To really lives things up we are planning on backed potatoes with chedder and chile! OH HELL YES!! If you you might be wondering where I will be this weekend I'll be at my girl's place enjoying life as it should be enjoyed. With the woman I love and good people eating drinking and having fun.
Montag, 7. September 2009
Nothing to write about right now and at work we have a load to get done.
Freitag, 4. September 2009
What I do see from him is bullshit being rammed down people's throats. I see an administration that is more closed than every before. I see a president doing exactly what the left claimed Bush did for 4 years. I see freedom of speach being eroded. I see freedom of the press being destroyed. I see unconstitutional take overs of private buisnesses. I see unconstitutional programs that allow people to "taddel" on their friends and neighbors when they do not toe the party line.
I do see many people out in the streets protesting what they feel is wrong and getting insulted and 2 2 occasions assulted for it. I read about kids in school who are afraid to voice their opinions. I have seen a deficet doubled in record time. I see the administration wanting to triple it this same year with policies and plans a very clear majority of the people simply don't want. But these people are being assulted and insulted.
I see a major gap forming in the US. A gap that was started under Bush but quickly being widned under Obama. But Obama promised to be the great healer, to reach across the isle and work with his opposition. Well just another empty promise form a politician.
I am worried about America's future. Is spending keeps up at the pace right now the USA will be broke in 10 years or less. If the gap continues to widen we stand a good chance at having a civil war.
You might think that I hate Obama. I honestly don't hate the man. No I think I could sit with him over a good whiskey and talk history or ideas. Not debate or argue but discuss. I honestly think Obama to be a good father to his children as well as a good husband to his wife. I also think he is trying to do the right thing in his opinion. I just don't agree with his ideas or policies.
I have asked before and many times in the recient past "Why did people vote for Obama other than the fact that he is not Bush or that he is half black" Still no answer to my question. I have asked in forums, on myspace and facebook. Still silence. I have read Dr King's "I have a dream" speach many times in the past few months. I have still yet to see his dream come to pass. Obama was NOT voted for becasue of what kind of a man he is. No the reasons given above are the only 2 reasons people voted for him. Untill someone can show me and prove to me that I am wrong I will continue to fight against his destructive policies.
Donnerstag, 3. September 2009
Me the Army years...
I joined the Army shortly after graduation. Basic wasn't a "shock" for me as my dad and many of his friends prepared me for the school. I thought is was so much bullshit but fun bullshit. I honestly enjoyed it. Every second of every day was planned with little or no down time. We were completly cut off from the world. All information, except for letters, was controlled by the drill sergents.
Get up before the sun. Get the f*ck in yer PT's and get yer lazy a$$es the f*ck down stairs for PT. Push-ups, sit ups, deep knee bends, some stretching and off for a run. After that shower and shave, chow then get the common areas cleaned up. Formation and off for the days training.
I enjoyed the road marches the most. Time with my thoughts. I loved it. The longer the better.
I could go deeper in to basic but I'll save that for another time.
After basic and AIT I was off to Airborne school. What a time that was. The instructers, called Black Hats, are the pure definition of professionalism. So high was the bar set. The rest of the time I was in the Army I tried my best to emulate them.
Airborne school was also fun. Even though had an extreme fear of hights. My father convinced me it was not only the best way to get over my fear but the only way. Well turns out he was right. When you stand in the door of an airplane in flight with an altitude of 1250m you learn to say f*ck it! Jumping was a high. It was just incredible. Defy death! Look that bastard death in the face and laugh. After the school I had 2 months down time. My father knowing just about every swinging dick in the Army at the time got me a slot in Phase 1 HALO at Ft Bragg. There I learned what jumping was about. We learned tracking and canopy deployment. I only got in 7 jumps before I had to hit John Wayne High better known as Ranger School.
No I won't go too deep in to this part of my life. Lets just say I graduated, I feel at least, at the very bottem of my class. I barely survived. But I got my patch. No scroll. I was honestly ashamed of myself att he time that I did so poorly that I felt I didn't deserve a Bat.
Light Bulbs
I am right in the middle of all this. Now to cover the high lights as of 01 September 2009 the old fashioned light bulbs will no longer be produced within the EU. Stores will be allowed to sell of stock and when thats gone that's it.
With me so far? Good. This is simply a crock of horse piss. I am old fashioned and an traditionalist American. Where does a government have the power or need to tell the private sector what they can or can not produce? Well here they do have the power. But they have taken this a step further. No longer can I private citizen choose what bulbs I would like to buy. No I have to be taken my my little bitty stupid hand and shown whats "right" by the government.
Now on the other hand the bulbs do last longer. AND they do use less enegry. No probs there. But nothing ever produced by humans is perfect. Hence this link:
It's in German I know. I'm looking for a translated page. If you don't trust me then user your favorite translator.
- Use less enegery
- Last longer
- Lose less warmth
- Strong electromagnetic fields. Not good for people with pacemakers...
- They flimmer at high frequencies
- Bad non natural light source
- Not very "Green" in the production
- Mercury is present in the bilbs themselvs
- When the bulbs are used up they cost a boatload to get rid of. You can't just "toss em"
- The older the bulb the lower amount of light produced
- The lifetime of the bulb is lowered if you are constantly turning on and off (Anyone with kids are cringing right now)
- They are expensive.
- When they fall and break open the gas released is toxic
So why is this being rammed up our asses? Simple like 99.9999999999% of all "green ideas" are childish and not thought out. "WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING OR WE WILL ALL DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
Remember back in the 80's (remember I'm 37 no jokes now...) how the world was RACING toword the next ice age? Unless we DO SOMETHING NOW!! Well what happened to that? Just last year we were racing toword the world frying? Now it's all called "Global Climate Change" Not which way but it's changing. Well guys it's been changing since this mud ball of a planet existed. Some greens have even gone so far as to "declair war" on the GCC! WOW! If I wore my hair long and didn't shower I might be impressed. How about declairing war on the sun? I mean it's like super hot and stuff and it makes us like hot and hot is not good for ice it like melts and stuff. Um like lets kill the sun then no more global hot stuff and stuff.
Yes I was poking fun at greenie weenies.
Just last year all the greens were gushing over methenol as THE new fuel. hmmmmm Well it takes more enegry to produce the stuff than you get out of it. A side effect would be the cost of bread rising. But hey no big deal said the greens. then it was found out that the burning of the fuel releases gases that are more harmful to the envoronment than what we have on the roads today.
Shall I go on? I think you get the point.
Now I'm not someone who "hates mother Earth" or what ever you might be thinking. But I only want more time invested in to research in to new ideas. I want the new ideas looked at, taken appart and all plus and minus points found. I am tired of the newest green fad to be passed off as THE solution and left at that only to find out later that it'll kill us faster that what we have now.
I recycle, I try to keep my speeds down, I don't litter and most important I am open to new ideas. I am willing to look at those ideas and see if they could work. B U T I want solid research in to those ideas before they become some kind of law. Like these stupid light bulbs. Here in Germany I'll have to pay to have them disposed of!
ummmmmmmm I am truely speachless. What else can or should I say?
Disgusting? Sick demented? They all fit.
Here in the west every lefty is wetting their pants when they hear about water boarding, sleep deprivation, loud music or strippers during interrogation of Muslims. Interrogations that has give us so much information in to future attacks that were stopped.
Now we have Muslims saying it's OK to rape prisioners!!?? But it's not OK to rape a homosexual when he is enjoying it?? When will people wake up to real life. These scum in Iran who are in charge are just that scum. They deserve a noose and a mass grave.
I'm willing to bet Obama will issue a strong slap of the wrist 2 each and say oh you bad bad boys. If you don't play nice then I won't let you read my speaches and sniff my dirty laundry.
I am waiting with a smile on my face to see how the lefty reporters react to this. So far it's scilence. I'm 99% sure that it won't change.
Me: The early years
I am 37 years old. I was welped in Aug 72. My father was in the army for almost 30 very proud years. I was born officially on Rhein-Mein Airbase. B U T (there's that stupid word again) un-officially I was born in a skin clinic in Frankfurt. I had a Germany birth cirtificate the whole deal. Because my mother was Danish I also had a Danish passport along with my American and German. Nice eh?
I grew up happy. As happy as anyone else. We moved about every 3 years. Sometimes sooner but hardly later. I loved it. We lived in Germany, Spain, England and all over the US. We visited my father in Egpyt and South Koera when he was stationed there. I have a brother who is, to the day, exactly 18 months older than I am. We faught a hell of a lot growing up. I can't even remember what about. Doesn't matter much anyway. We sometimes went to civilian schools. Meaning schools off post. I can't imagine why someone would be happy staying in one place for so long. At the same time they couldn't imagine living in Germany or England. Wierd eh?
Anyway I grew up with the outdoors. Fishing, hunting, camping, the Boy Scouts, hiking the whole deal. I am at home in the woods. I am trying to pass that along to my daughter. I respect the wild as much as I love it. I'm not some hippy but I leave a camp site just as clean if not cleaner than as I found it.
My mother was a stay-at-home mom. She made damn sure a smiling face was there when we came home. She made us a snack, got us to get our homework done and got ready for supper. She did the laundry, cook and picked up after 3 males whom she loved. She kissed skinned knees and picked up up after football practice. Sadly we lost her last year. My whole life she was a rock. she was someone who I could go to for advice and guidence anytime. I miss her so much.
My dad is my dad. He drove discpline home. He made sure we were respectful and that everything was right in our little part of the world. He also showed us parts of life that my mother couldn't. The Army. Becasue of my father I later decided to become the elete in the Army. An Infantryman. There are non better. Many try but non come close. We let the Marines think they are the best becasue the Jarheads need that bullshit. We don't. We know it and the rest of the human race know it.
My older brother. A heart of gold. Always bigger than me but ready to give the shirt off his back if needed. No questions asked. I always loved my brother. I looked up to him. I always asked myself how could someone be so nice to people? He shaped me in to the person I am today. Always trying to one up eachother we unknowing pushed each other further.
The rest will come later. If you have any questions just let me know. I have little to hide.
This Blog
Anyway this blog is ALLLLLL me. My topics. I alone choose what I write about. I might write about politics or cooking. I might write about a drumken weekend or a great weekend with my daughter.
B U T (yep there is one of those) Everything will center around a proud American veteran living and working in Germany. I was married for over 15 years to a German. Well things didn't work out but we don't need to get in to that now do we?
I have a wonderful girlfriend now. She is smart, can cook, sew, has a good job, we like the same music and she is a beautiful woman. Sorry guys no pics. She's mine and she likes it that way! I don't share anyway.
Mittwoch, 2. September 2009
Do you ever....
I am working on my 5th cup of coffee. I know stomach problems, hight blood pressure bla bla bla. I hate Red Bull. Enegry drinks have little of no effect for me so I just don't waste my money on them. I'de rather have a bottle of good wine for the money anyway. sharing it with my girlfriend is soooooo much better anyway. Our discussion over a bottle od wine are wonderful.
No I am just tired. I need a vacation. I haven't had a real vacation in about 4 years. A vacation where I don't have to make decisions, clean, cook, go shopping and all that you need to do to take care of close family members.
I live in Germany. Yep there it is again. Last year my mother passed away. Before she did she called me home. I was there 3 days after the call. My mother was always very proud of a clean house, done laundry and home cooked FROM SCRATCH meals. when I got home to my parents I knew something was not right. So I took it apon myself to help where I could. I did laundry, cleaned, went shopping and got everything back in order. My mother was both thankful and shamed. I tried to calm her by telling her that it was still her hand that guided me. She had taught me years ago to do all those things and to do them right. It was my mother that gave me the love for cooking and baking. For pleasing people with good food. She seemed happy with that.
I was home for 4 weeks. When I cam back home I was beat. I was dead tired. Now I am bone weary. the worst part is I have very little vacation saved for myself. No I'm not bitching about anything. Family is family and will always be. I would do the same again if I could. No questions just get on a plane and go. Work hard for my parents to make sure they are safe, healthy if not happy.
But it does in fact cost me. Like on days like today. It's hard to get out of bed. I am draggin ass all day, and just tired. So I work slower and double check everything. Well shitfar it's a gottin ta be gittin dun don't it?
Am I selfish? A little. Would I decide different about my parents? Never. They need me and I am there. No questions or bad thoughts. I am happy when I can help. they were always there for me.
The left, Hollywood, Castro and Che
I read Cassy's blog daily. I find her writing to be fresh, to the point and very exact. I enjoy her blog very much.
She asked a question on the linked post:
- Who bought Castro's sugar thoughout the years?
- How many people in Cuba are "political prisioners"?
- Why are no Euro tourists allowed in to many parts of the country?
- Why are so many people willing to swin 90 miles through shark infested waters to the US if everything is rainbows and unicorns in Cuba?
- What happens if you are openly gay in Cuba?
- How many people has Che killed himself?
- How many people did Che order to have killed?
Normally if I get an answer at it it will be along the lines of " It's the US's fault that we shut out Cuba from free trade, of why do I fear Castro so much.
My answer to the first question is always the same. The USSR bought everything from Cuba. sugar, tobaco and support. The rented land for bases on Cuba. I might add that the USSR bought the sugar and tobaco well above market price. Cuba had more than enough money. Then I counter with the question Angola. Why, if Cuba is sooooo inocent and poor, that Castro sent soldiers, vehicles and equipment to Angola to fight for the communist rebels in that country? It is at this point that I get a blank stare.......and as 99% of the time "Oh you are just a brainwashed American who never see's when your country is wrong." Gee how mature.
So to answer your question Cassy: Liberals love these 2 men so much becasue they want to be like them. Bottem line is they hate their country.
Mittwoch, 19. August 2009
Health insurance
The people who want this fall in to different classes of people.
- The lazy - People who want something for nothing.
- The professional unelployed - People who have ever in their life held a job
- The Obama koolaid drinkers - People who believe every single word out of Obama's mouth
- Democrats - People who belong to the democratic party who believe that government is the answer to ALL problems
Which one are you? A little hard? I think not. I live in the system. It's the law here. A person must be insured. OK I chose to live here so I accepted that. Was a good idea when I was younger. I pay 1/3 my employer pays 1/3 and the government pays that last 1/3. I was young and didn't really understand where the extra costs would be spread. Namely back to the consumer and tax payer. But I am older and see how the cost of German made products have gone up every single year.
How Obama expects to keep his promise of not taxing the middle and lower classes I'll never understand. No he wants to gouge the insurance companies and big businesses. They are evvvviiiilll. They are to be compared to satin, Hitler and the booby man all at once. They alone are the cause to all our money problems. Never once mentioning that the government ALLOWED and SUPPORTED the causes of the economic problems we have today.
Lets say that Obama got his bill through and passed. Whats next? What will happen to those on Medic-Aid? will they suddendly get a new card and all is good? Who will decide which treatment are too expensive or risky? Who will decide over life and death?
Obama had, just a few short months ago a majority of people in America behind him willing to give him a chance. He fumbeled the fall early on. Now he can't do a damn thing right.
These people are really really stupid. I am 200% for the Second Amendment. I grew with weapons. I served 4 years in the US Army as an infantryman. I have only disgust for people who try to take my 2nd Amendment rights away from me.
B U T bringing weapons to an idea fight is not only stupid but dangerous and only shows our opponents how stupid some people really can be. Yes they have every right to carry. No questions. But with every freedom comes responsibility. A person needs to have the common sense to make the correct decisions. These people obviously do not posses commen sense. I can not decide if they should lose thier right to carry. But it should be considered. Teh press and the left will blow this up completly to show that ALL protestors are armed and rednecks and all that crap that is SOP with them. We know it is only a few out of many. This does NOT help our cause.
There is a time to take arms and fight and a time to talk. Right now we have a time to talk. We have the momentum and are starting to catch the eye of the press. This is OUR time to be heard. To speak out against what a very clear MAJORITY thinks is a very bad idea. Violence is to be used ONLY AS A LAST RESORT!
I am the last person to walk away from a good fight. I've lost enough to know I am not made out of glass. I am not afraid to fight. Never have been. But I have learned that there is a time to talk and a time to throw. This is the time to talk. I pray the time to fight will not come...
Where in the world...
I think we have a winner. GW Bush is no longer president so I guess that means the "illegal" war in Iraq is OK now? I need to have that logic clarified if anyone can.
No longer do I hear on the German news how many soldiers in Iraq have been killed or how many civilians were murdered by terrorists. Aint that something? I mean the left have basically declared with their silence right now that the war in Iraq is a just war!
Next thing you know the left will openly say they are racists, homophobes and have only being playing mouthpiece to those groups.
Dienstag, 18. August 2009
Montag, 17. August 2009
At work
Later tonight I'll write a little about my drive to work and how I was almost killed. Stuput dutch just simply can't drive. Do they even have to take a driving test or do they have to buy some ceral first?
A little needs to be
Well people it still hasn't happened. All the polls show that the only 2 reasons he was elected was because he is not Bush and he is half black. Had anyone really looked at the man. Had a serious look at his experience and how he ran all of his campaigns they would not have voted for him.
I remember on Nov 4 2008 how his win was a "landslide". Hmmmmmmm funny that one because Bush won in 2006 with a larger margin. Well no mater we have Obama. WOOOPPPPEEE! So what do we get from him?
He was in Egypt and ave a speech where he apologized for America. Shortly before he insulted the English prime minister. Good one dude.
In Feb he pushed and pushed and pushed a spending bill that tripled our debt. Then when it was passed on a Friday he didn't bother to sign it until Tuesday. I though it was sooooooo important Mr. President? What did that bill do? Nothing it was promised to do. Geee there's a brainer for ya!
In 2000 when Bush took over the economy was in the edge. The Tech bubble burst and people were out of work. Did Bush do the same as Obama and blame Clinton? Nope. He lowered taxes across the board and worked to get interest rates lowered. WORKED!!! Oh wonder.
Obama can only throw money at problems and hope they go away. Just like the people in his administration.
So many people tried to tell me to give the man time. What time. When he took over we had a war on 2 fronts, a major economic crisis, Russia bearing it's claws, Iran and North Korea going nuke, GM failing.....What time? We need ACTIONS NOW! Not words that the man never wrote and reads off a teleprompter. We need hard decisions made NOW. Decisions based on hard information. But as he keeps cutting funding to the intelligence community that information will dry up.
I pray for our future. I really do.
We get no support from Microsoft, no hardware support and we can only fight simptoms to problems and not solve the problems themselvs. It sucks. I am tired of it. I am employed but I'm looking for a new job. I'de rather work outside the office. On the road. Something which I did years ago and loved it. I traveled around Germany meeting some really cool people, helpin them with their networks and enjoying life.
Sonntag, 16. August 2009
Who is this guy and why shuld I read what he write? Simple my reader and soo to be loyal reader. I'm an Ameican that has been living here in Germany since 1994. Before I was an Infantry soldier with the US Army. I've lived and worked all over Germany. I know this country insde and out. I offer up myself to help with vacation plans, can help you have a wonderful and less expensive vacation and give you insider tips without any language problems.
I've been working different IT jobs for going on 10 years now. Problems with your PC just ask me. I enjoy helping people. Lets face it you might be a good salesman, home maker whatever you appen to have chosen. But you might have PC problems that you simply don't understand. Well I do and can help.
I also want to write about some of the funny things I have seen in my life. Also some of the wonderful places that my job as taken me to. I'll be posting pictures, stories and ideas for vacations anjd whatever else you might like me to write about.
I love to rant. I enjoy ranting becasuse it's a healthy way to let off steam. My rants are funny too.